School Meals
There are a selection of hot and cold lunches at school.
The sandwiches and packed lunches are options for off site activities, or as an alternative to a hot meal.
The yoghurt, fruit pot and cookie are examples of freshly prepared, homemade deserts.
All food is freshly prepared by our on site cook, and there are 3 choices daily as well as the sandwich option. We cater for any dietary needs, including halal, vegetarian, gluten free and other allergens, we follow Lancashire County Council school catering guidance and source local produce as much as we can.
Students are offered freshly cooked bread, a salad bar and a choice of healthy drinks every day to go with their meal.
If they are entitled to Free School meals then they must let the office know. If they are not then the school meal is £2.50 and the school office is able to accept cheques as well as cash. Make cheques payable to Lancashire County Council.
If you child forgets their money or lunch we can always provide a lunch as payment can be sorted out the next day. We feel it is important for our students if they are learning to have the right nutrients for their brains.