School will be closed to Years 7, 8, 9 & 10 on the following mornings during the examination season:

Thursday 16th May (Maths Exam)

Thursday 23rd May (English Exam)

Monday 3rd June (Maths Exam)

Thursday 6th June (English Exam)

Monday 10th June (Maths Exam)

The reason school is closed for these 5 mornings is that we need all available staff and rooms in order to enable year 11 students to sit their exams. Year 11 students make up around half the student population of the school and many have special access arrangements that require the use of every single room and member of staff to ensure our students have the best opportunity available to succeed in their exams. School will re-open for pupils in Years 7, 8, 9 & 10 from 12.00 noon until 2.15pm. Taxis will be changed to reflect the temporary provision times on these five days.

We apologise for any inconvenience caused.