At The Oswaldtwistle School we believe that every student has the right to outstanding SMSC and fundamental British values provision. We strongly believe that students should be given opportunities across the school to develop their social, moral, spiritual and cultural understanding. The promotion of fundamental British values is at the heart of the work the school does.
The first SMSC Drop Down in curriculum day is on Tuesday 5th March 2019. This will allow pupils to focus on local, national and international issues in a dynamic and interactive manner.
The six sessions are;
PREVENT - Session delivered by Counter Terrorism Engagement Officer, Huma Butt. The focus will be on online safety and the risk/vulnerabilities of being drawn into extremism.
Young Addaction - Session delivered by Ellis O'Hanlon. The session will cover the effects/risks/laws of cannabis, New Psychoactive Substances (`legal highs'), ecstasy, cocaine, alcohol/energy drinks and how/where to get support from.
Hope Not Hate - Session delivered by Owen Jones. The focus will be on how discrimination (racism, sexism and homophobia), power and inequality are interlinked and students will be challenged on how they could (unwittingly) be contributing to inequalities or prejudices without realising.
NCS (National Citizen Service) - Session delivered by two NSC Challenge workers. This session will differ for KS3/KS4 students. KS4 will be told about the NCS Challenge programme and how to sign up, as well as given techniques to build resilience. The KS3 sessions will focus on confidence building/activities and look at resilience.
Choices and Consequences - Session delivered by Paul Farman and Paul Slee from the Lancashire Fire and Rescue Service. This session will look at the choices and consequences of a group of teenagers who take part in anti-social behaviour, arson and make hoax calls. Students will also be told about the law around arson, making hoax calls and fireworks. The last five minutes of the session will focus on Fire Service careers and the routes into employment.
Every Action Has Consequences - Session delivered by Tim Rogers from the local charity, Every Action Has Consequences. Tim will retell the story of how his brother, Adam Rogers was killed by one punch in Blackburn, when trying to stop a fight. The session will allow pupils to discuss how their actions can have an impact, conflict can be resolved in many ways, when to walk away and how peer pressure can be used in a positive manner.